国际标准期刊号: 2165-7904



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  • 出版医学

Obesity in United States

Obesity in United States has been seen to be increased in a rapid way. It is the most alarming disease that has been seen to affect a higher number of individuals in the country. This is actually due to the life style attained by the US public. The acquisition of high calorie drinks is very common among individuals of all ages there. This habit has been resulted into an alarming obese situation within the country.

Individuals having their bodyweight 20% more than it should be, then, he or she is considered to be an obese. If the body mass index for any person is 30 or more, then he or she has obesity disease. Obesity can be cured by various medical as well as physical therapies. There have been a number of surgeries started to cure obesity. These include gastrointestinal surgery, bariatric surgery, etc. The physical therapies are also helpful to reduce obesity in obese people.

Related Journals of Obesity in United States

Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.