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病毒性疾病和 Ncov、SARS-Cov-2 和 COVID-19 的传播和复制动态


Interpretable Machine-Learning Model for Prediction of Convalescent COVID-19 Patients with Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity Impairment

  • Fu-qiang MA, Cong HE, Cong HE, Cong HE, Hao-ran Yang, Zuo-wei HU, Ji-xian Zhang, Cun-yu FAN, Bo XU


Comparing the Outcomes Associated with Three Treatment Durations of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter Bloodstream Infection

  • Jamal Wadi Al Ramahi, Ayad Abdullah Al-Qadasi, Sewar Saed Fraij, Ahmad Bassam Alayyat, Asma’a Rezeq Tanash, Nour Mohammad Hasan, Amal Matar, Renad Mohammad Khader, Asaiel Zaid Makahleh, Ibraheem Zuhair A.R. Mohialdeen, Haya Moh’d Hamarsha, Zaid Antwan Tewfiq Al Khouri, Zaid Ali Zuhair Elkarmi, Lara Abdulhadi, Farah A. Abdallah


A Flexible Compartment Model for Simulation Specific to COVID-19

  • Hiroo Ohmori, Hiroo Ohmori, Hiroo Ohmori