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开放获取期刊获得更多读者和引用 700 种期刊 和 15,000,000 名读者 每份期刊 获得 25,000 多名读者
Study of Non-Traditional Starches for Biodegradable Films with a Focus on Description and Current Uses in Packaged Foods
The Effectiveness of a Bio-Catalytic Agent Employed in the Bioremediation of Seawater Damaged by Crude Oil
A Graphical Summary of the Green Chemistry Remedy towards Societal Sanitation
A Lab Simulation of a Potential Egyptian Bacterial Ensemble for the Recovery of an Oil Spill
Co-Metabolism Kinetics of Bioremediation of Lambda Cyhalothrin, Chlorpyrifos and Malathion Contaminated Loam Soil using Bio-Slurry Microbes
Conventional and Biodegradable Plastics, Heavy Metals' Adsorption and Desorption Properties Can be Found
Hybrid Cyanidation and Elevated Barrier Technique for the Recovery of Metal from it Wastewaters
Treatment with Ultrasound of EDTA-Containing Liquid Waste
Thermogravimetric Kinetics of Polyethelyne Decay Over Silicon Aluminophosphate
The Impact of Glucose on the Decomposition of Polymers in Compost Made from Food Waste
Research on Heavy Metals Produced from Coal Burning and Their Chemical Control
Microbial Factors for the Bioremediation of Heavy Metals from Industrial Effluents
ECB10 Novel Bioactive Substances and Bioremediation Technologies
Contamination of Water Bodies Using Bioremediation
Analysing the Life Cycle of Replacing Glass Fibres in Polymers with Biofibers