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Calculation improvement of the clay content in the hydrocarbon formation rocks
The Parametric survey on the nano particles performance for treating of industrial wastewater
Research on Unsustainable Embodied Oil Leakage and Its InfluenceFactors in China's Export Trade
Lobo System Scaffold
Shell Oil, GE Oil and Gas and Bilfinger Industrial Services Choose the LOBO System over Scaffolding, to Increase Safety and Optimise Cost
New Insights of Formation Damage Caused by Borate Crosslinker Fracturing Fluids
Shale Formation: What Do We Learn about Fracture Conductivity Damage?
Understanding the Problems and Challenges of Polymer Flooding Technique
Effective Strategies for Selection of Suitable Clay Stabilizers to Control Clay Swelling
Fines Migration: Problems and Treatments
Aerobic Degradation of Anthracene, Benzo(a)Anthracene and Dibenzo(a,h) Anthracene by Indigenous Strains of Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria and Cyanobacteria Isolates From Crude Oil Contaminated Bodo Creek