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Intake of food pellets containing pre-germinated brown rice alleviates cognitive deficits caused by β-amyloid peptide25-35 in mice: Implication of lipid peroxidation
Zinc in Rice-Wheat Irrigated Ecosystem
Transplanting by Uprooting Tillers from Dibbled Field: An Idea for Crop Intensification and Sustainable Rice Cultivation
Screening and Adaptation in Some Varieties of Rice under Salinity Stress (Case Study at Paluh Merbau, Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera,Indonesia)
Rice: Importance and Future
Rice as a Source of Fibre
Paddy Processing Mills in India: An Analysis
Ferric Pyrophosphate-fortified Rice Given Once Weekly Does not Increase Hemoglobin Levels in Preschoolers
Effects of Citric Acid and Butylated Hydroxytoluene Alone or In Combination on Prevention of Rancidity of Rice Bran during Storage
Biological Activities of Rice Allelochemicals Momilactone A and B
Anticarcinogenic and Anti-Colitis Effects of the Japanese Vinegar Kurozu