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Estimation of Gene Action and Variance Components of Some Reproductive Traits of Rice (Oryza sativa L) Through Line x Tester Analysis
Rc Gene Sequence and Expression Evaluation in a Red-Kernel Rice Genotype
Optimizing Sowing Methods Through Estimates of Interactions between Sowing Date and Genotypes in Some Morpho-Physiological Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L)
Effect of Salinity and Potassium Levels on Different Morpho-Physiological Characters of two Soybean (Glycine max L.) Genotypese
Studies on Response of Varieties and Different Dates of Sowing on Productivity of Aerobic Rice
Complex Regulatory Networks of Flowering Time in Rice
Development of Component Lines (CMS, Maintainer and Restorer lines) and their Maintenance Using Diversed Cytosources of Rice
Improving Phosphorus Nutrition of Upland Rice through Native Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM)
Raising Stress Tolerant Rice through Genetic Manipulation of Cyclophilins
Influence of Environmental Factors on Crops
Phytoremediation - An Innovative Approach for Attenuation of Chromium Toxicity and Rice Cultivation in Mining Areas