国际标准期刊号: 2278-0238



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Brief Notes on Cellular culture of plants

Darwin Avinash

The science or art of growing plant cells, tissues or organs isolated from the mother plant on artificial media is known as plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture refers to growing and multiplication of cells, tissues and organs of plants on defined solid or liquid media under aseptic and controlled environment. The commercial technology is primarily based on micro propagation, in which rapid proliferation is achieved from in system cuttings, axillary buds, and to a limited extent from somatic embryos, cell clumps in suspension cultures and bioreactors. The merits of plant tissue culture in crop production is that it helps in disease elimination, quick international distribution of genetic resources, germplasm conservation and reduction in quarantine requirements, time and space of regeneration. This paper looks at the materials for in vitro plant tissue culture, different methods of plant tissue culture, media preparations, protocols of hygiene and sterilization in plant tissue, culture and techniques in plant tissue culture for crop improvement.

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