国际标准期刊号: 2278-0238



我们集团组织了 3000 多个全球系列会议 每年在美国、欧洲和美国举办的活动亚洲得到 1000 多个科学协会的支持 并出版了 700+ 开放获取期刊包含超过50000名知名人士、知名科学家担任编委会成员。

700 种期刊 15,000,000 名读者 每份期刊 获得 25,000 多名读者


Brief Notes on Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Mare Gopuz

This program was presented in 1970. The course satisfied is purposefully organized and intended to set up the understudies for a lifelong in scholarly community as well as the drug business. Moreover, the program engages understudies to keep on seeking after higher investigations and exploration exercises. The prospectus has been changed with the assistance of specialists from the scholarly community and industry thinking about the on-going advancements in the field of drug store calling and to meet the necessities of drug businesses, the scholarly world, and administrative bodies. The division upholds the understudies in getting projects in the business and work in scholarly community along with industry. The division has been fruitful in accomplishing 100 present positions such a long time. We are pleased with our graduated class and a large number of them have succeeded in their field. Our graduated class are spread all around the world including the National Institute of Health, USA, University of Wyoming, USA, University of Waterloo, Canada, St. John's University, New York.

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