国际标准期刊号: 2375-4338



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Challenges and Opportunities in Regional Rice Sector Development and Salinity Effects On Seedling

Julia, M

Rice is that the staple of Asia and it's central to the food security of regarding half the globe population. Asia accounts for over ninety % of world rice production and consumption. Rice production is a crucial supply of keep for around one hundred forty million rice-farming households and for several rural poor WHO work on rice farms as employed labour. it's a strategic artifact because the overall economic process associate degreed political stability of the region rely upon an adequate, cheap and stable offer of this staple crop. Despite the substantial increase in rice production within the wake of the revolution, necessary challenges stay in making certain associate degree adequate and stable offer of this necessary artifact affordably to poor shoppers. Major challenges ar the requirement to provide additional rice to fulfill the rising demand driven by increment despite slower growth or perhaps a decline in per capita consumption in some countries; speed within the growth of rice yield; environmental degradation related to intensive rice production; a decline in rice variety and loss of rice heritage; international climate change; increasing competition for land, labour and water from industrial and concrete sectors; changes in dietary composition with financial gain growth and urbanization; and changes within the demographic composition of labour in rural areas. Similarly, achieving stability in rice value is a crucial challenge within the context of transmission of shocks because of the inflated link of rice with different sectors and instability in trade policies of the foremost commercialism countries[1]

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