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Comparative Analysis of Proximate and Mineral Compositions of Bambaranut (Vigna-subterranea) and Groundnut (Arachis-hypogea)

Sani S. Muhammad1, Hafiz Y. Muhammad2, Sadeeq M. Sheshe *3Rabiu M. Aliyu4, Abdulhamid A. Zubair5, Shehu A. Muazu3

The Proximate and Mineral Compositions of Bambaranut and Groundnut varieties were determined. The carbohydrate (68.10%) protein (14.66%), crude fat (5.6%) and Ash (3.33%) content bambaranut were found to be significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to groundnut Carbohydrate (36.60%), Protein (12.33%), crude fat, (39.33%) and Ash (2.33%) content.  Whereas the moisture (2.90%), crude fibre (2.07%) was found to be insignificant compared to groundnut (2.93%), crude fibre (1.77 %.) The results of the study show that Legumes have good nutritional attributes. The high energy, protein and carbohydrate contents of both varieties suggest that legumes could be of great importance in alleviating protein energy malnutrition. In the mineral elements, there is significant difference in S (8.52mg/kg), Na (28.63mg/kg), and P (40,00mg/kg) in bambaranut compared to groundnut S (7.45mg/kg), Na (27.13mg/kg), and P (33.33mg/kg). However, no significant difference was observed at P (<0.05) in bambaranut ca, (37.16mg/kg), Pb, (0.44mg/kg), and K (291.53 mg/kg) compared to groundnut ca(37.70mg/kg), Pb(0.29mg/kg), and K (289.50mg/kg). The concentration of the minerals in this legume indicates that they could be useful in the diets of consumers. The results reveals that bambaranut have higher nutritional value than groundnut.

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