国际标准期刊号: 2375-4338



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Constraints to Rice Production in Malawi: A Case of Nkhulambe Irrigation Scheme in Phalombe District, Southern Malawi

Joseph Timothy Before, Chris James L. Tembo, Dexter Mandala and Lerisha Nthala

Rice production in most developing countries is constrained by many challenges including limited access to farm inputs, extension services, climate change, and water availability. This study was designed to explore the challenges that are contributing to low production in Malawi using Nkhulambe Irrigation Scheme as a case study. Random sampling technique was used to get the sample to work with. Questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions were used to collect data. The major factors influencing rice production and productivity are limited access to improved rice seed, low fertilizer use, damaged irrigation infrastructures, climate change associated rainfall patterns, reliance on family labor, and limited access to technical support from agricultural extension officers.

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