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Monitoring of the PAL Enzymatic Activity and Polyphenolic Compounds in Leaves and Fruits of Two Myrtle Cultivars during Maturation

Silvia Medda

The study aimed to develop the high-protein bars using organic ingredients such as whey protein concentrate (WPC), prebiotic-inulin, as well as pro-health additives (dried fruits, cereals, and nuts). The physicochemical, microbiological, sensory, and consumer evaluation of ingredients and final products were made. The musli (M), pumpkin (P), and coconut (C) bars were developed including three different flavours for each bar. The novel products were found to be a good source of protein and fibre. The M and P3 bar samples contained >10 g of fiber/100 g of product. The M and C bars contained over 20 g/100 g proteins in total, while P bars contained 17.3–19.1 g/100 g of protein. The antioxidant activity of bars was proportional to the fruit content. The water activity was varied (0.63–0.74), while pH value ranged from 6.3 to 7.0. Microbiological quality of ingredients and bars were good, though, in M and P bars, the presence of Bacillus cereus was found. The C bars found the highest marks of the overall quality. The newly developed high-protein products can be used in rational nutrition of a wide group of people who are health-conscious.