国际标准期刊号: 2375-4338



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Resource Use, Profitability and Externality in Aerobic Vis-A-Vis Conventional Rice Cultivation in Karnataka, India

Thejaswi Kumar

The study was undertaken to analyze resource use, economics of cultivation and externality associated with Aerobic Rice
Cultivation (ARC) in comparison with Conventional Rice Cultivation (CRC) in Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka. Snow ball sampling
technique was adopted to collect primary data from 50 farmers each practicing ARC and CRC. The per hectare gross returns
was higher in CRC (₹ 1,16,827/ha) compared to aerobic rice cultivation (₹ 1,00,664/ha) since the grain yield was higher in CRC.
The aerobic rice cultivation (ARC) was profitable as it generated higher net returns (₹ 24,653/ha) compared to conventional
paddy cultivation (₹ 11,046/ha) because of lower cost of cultivation. ARC was sustainable compared to conventional method
as resources were optimally used. In addition, ARC resulted in positive externality to the tune of ₹ 7714 per hectare over CRC.
Human work was the significant expense part in both ARC and CRC Among the costs in ARC, human labour cost accounted
nearly 40 per cent because of high labour requirement for weeding. Imputed irrigation cost was higher in CRC than ARC where
water requirement was saved up to 63 per cent. The examination uncovered the predominance of ARC over CRC with regards
to cost, net returns and positive externality. Hence, the study helps policy makers and stakeholders in extensive promotion of the

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