国际标准期刊号: 2375-4338



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Yield and Yield Related Performance of Upland Rice Genotypes in Tselemti district, North Ethiopia, 2015

Hailegebrial Kinfe, Yiergalem Tsehaye, Alem Redda, Redae Welegebriel, Desalegn Yalew and Welegerima Gebrelibanos

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major staple food crops for about 65 % of the world’s population. A rice field experiment was conducted at Tselemti district of North Ethiopia during the main wet cropping season 2015-16 and 2016-17. The current study was proposed to evaluate the adaptability and yield performance and to identify stable, high-yielding, disease-resistant and early maturing upland rice genotype(s) in local environments. Sixteen upland rice genotypes including the standard check were evaluated. The tested genotypes are both released and unreleased genotypes and gained from national rice research programs. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design of three replications. Combined analysis of variance revealed significant variations in genotypes for most traits but there is non-significant for genotype by environment interaction based on the selected analyzed traits and this implied the genotypes were not affected by the environment and the superiority genotypes across environment is constant. The highest grain yield of 3.5 t ha-1 was recorded by G4-Tana (41.8 Qt ha-1), followed by G2-Getachew (39.5 Qt ha-1). So, even if the stability didn’t analyzed the Genotype Tana and Getachew were relatively highest in mean grain yield across environments and hence, both genotypes could be recommended for cultivation by the farmers and this variety should be demonstrated and popularized in larger scale to make use of its merits.

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