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Architectural and structural aspects influencing the seismic response of buildings
Architecture and urban design in Japan relevant to disaster management
Strategies for Introducing Robotics and Automation in Architectural Pedagogy in Ghana: The Case of KNUST
Exploring the Potential of Modern Rammed Earth Materials in Enhancing the Aesthetics and Sustainability of Rural Community Construction: A Case Study of Duniyapur, Punjab
Building Information Modelling Platform to Carry Out Structural Modelling
Architecture and Engineering Development Optimize Construction Projects
Knowledge Presentation of Regulations for Architectural Engineering
Strategies for Introducing Robotics and Automation in Architectural Pedagogy in Ghana. The Case of KNUST
Analyzing Geometry in Arabha House Facades
Reducing Heat Gain in Building through Walls with Energy Efficient Materials – A Case Study of Frank & Debbie Management Complex, A.M.U
Performance Evaluation of Nano Based Materials for Energy Optimization in Buildings